Sivabakkiam Muthusamy Matriculation & Higher Secondary School
Regular Classes starts at 0915Hrs and ends at 1530Hrs.
The academic program in our school is encapsulated with various activities that keeps our students to be a all rounder. It incorporates Curriculum, Co-Scholastic, and Special interest activities. This method keep our students both mentally and physically prepared at all times.
In Matric. board the academic year starts from June and goes on up to mid of April month.
There will be 3 terms in a academic year. Every term will end up with a Summative and formative assessment for the students. In the 3rd term, Students in Grade 10,11 and 12 will appear for Government board exams .
Our students are connected with,
SM School Portal.
*Google Classroom.
*Adobe for Schools.
*Trimble Sketchup for 3D learning.